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Prayer Concerns - September 2024

  • Praise God for enabling CIM to minister for the last 24 years. We seek your prayers as we enter into the 25th year of our ministry as a registered entity. We request you to especially pray for the Silver Jubilee Launch function on Sunday, 8 September 2024, at 4 PM at HBI, Kellys, Chennai.

  • Praise God for 61 participants who attended the 'AI and Social Media' training programme in Chennai. Pray that each of them will integrate this technological advancement in their own ministries. Pray for the same programme which is planned for different parts of the country to have maximum reach and effectiveness.

  • As we praise God for the FCRA renewal of CIM, we seek your prayers for the ministries who have lost their FCRA licenses. Pray for God's provision and wisdom as they continue their ministry.

  • We seek your diligent prayers as CIM undergoes a strategic planning process of discernment to finalise the goals for the next three years and for God's direction for the following years.

  • Praise God for the contributions of the Indian Church and Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) towards nation-building. Pray that we will continue to be Salt and Light in our nation by our accountability to God and the State which is our witness for such a time as this.

  • Pray earnestly as CIM is planning to raise 100 regular local donors, so that we can offer our services at subsidised costs to needed religious and charitable entities.

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